Routing Classes

Component types Pitch (mm) Routing Classes

Selection of the Routing Class according to the component package

The conductor dimensions and spacings, and therefore the Routing Classes (RC) to be used, are closely linked to the layout and pitch of the package's lead pins.

The following tables show which RC should be used depending on the type of package chosen and the associated routing requirements. Other functional criteria may lead to a different routing class to the recommended RC.

Wherever possible, use the lowest RC and limit the use of higher classes for local component routing. When several RC are used for the same board, the highest RC (even used locally) defines the board's RC and therefore its price.

The boxes marked with a tick () represent the recommended RC for the components mentioned. A higher RC may be required in certain situations, such as the need to route two conductors between vias. In addition, a lower RC may also be used if routing requirements are lower.

RC1 RC2 RC3 RC4 RC5 RC6 RC7 RC8 RC9 RC10
Matrix component (BGA or similar) 2,54
SMC: QFP, QFN, connectors, discrete components, etc. > 0,5
< 0,5
Through-hole component 2,54
Via type/structure Routing Classes

Board structure and Routing Classes

The structure of the printed board and the types of vias required are associated with the often matrixlike nature of the component footprints. The use of complex board structures comprising stacked or non-stacked microvias may be necessary for some BGA components depending on the matrix size and pitch. For all routing classes, it is important to have symmetrical structures, i.e., type, position and thickness of the dielectric and conducting layers.

The following table identifies which RC should be used according to the types of vias/structure of the board. Boxes marked in brackets () show that via structures are possible, but with significant constraints on the parameters of the conductors on the external layer.

RC1 RC2 RC3 RC4 RC5 RC6 RC7 RC8 RC9 RC10
A Plated-through hole/via ()
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration A

Boxes marked in brackets () show that via structures are possible, but with significant constraints on the parameters of the conductors on the external layer.

A’ Plated-through hole filled with resin and capped with copper ()
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration A’

Boxes marked in brackets () show that via structures are possible, but with significant constraints on the parameters of the conductors on the external layer.

B Mechanical blind via (sequential board) ()
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration B

Boxes marked in brackets () show that via structures are possible, but with significant constraints on the parameters of the conductors on the external layer.

C Non-copper-filled microvia
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration C
D Mechanical buried via
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration D
D’ Mechanical buried via filled with resin and capped
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration D’
E Copper-filled microvia (note 1)
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration E

Note 1: Depending on the assembly requirements, the microvia is copper-filled on the external layer to produce the microvia-in-pad.

F Stacked microvias (note 2)
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration F

Note 2: The lower-level microvia must be copper-filled. Alternative technologies are available, but are not covered in this document.

G Stacked microvias on a buried via (note 3)
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration G

Note 3: The buried via must be filled with resin and capped with copper.

Mechanical parameters

Mechanical parameters

Plated board outlines introduce additional constraints that are not covered in this document. The drilling parameters for mechanical holes are described in in tables VM1 VM2 and TM.

Parameter Unit RC1 RC2 RC3 RC4 RC5 RC6 RC7 RC8 RC9 RC10
ME1 Maximum length mm ≤ 550≤ 550≤ 550≤ 550≤ 550≤ 400
(≤ 500)
≤ 300
(≤ 400)
≤ 250
(≤ 300)
≤ 100
(≤ 200)
≤ 80
(≤ 150)
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration ME1

    Maximum unit printed circuit length

  • Applicable for a unit printed circuit without panel border area. This document does not cover printed circuit panelization.
  • In the case of the advanced value (in brackets), preferably use the lower Routing Class whenever possible.
ME2 Maximum width mm ≤ 400≤ 400≤ 400≤ 400≤ 400≤ 400≤ 300
(≤ 400)
≤ 250
(≤ 300)
≤ 100
(≤ 200)
≤ 80
(≤ 150)
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration ME2

    Maximum unit printed circuit width

  • Applicable for a unit circuit without panel border area. This document does not cover printed circuit panelization.
  • In the case of the advanced value (in brackets), preferably use the lower Routing Class whenever possible.
ME3 Cutting radius mm 1,2
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration ME3

    Cutting radius

  • Can be used for external or internal cutting
ME4 Edge/ non-plated-through hole distance mm 1111110,50,50,50,5
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration ME4

    Minimum distance between the printed board edge and the edge of a non-plated-through hole

  • Applicable between the edge of an opening and the edge of a non-plated-through hole
  • Applicable between two non-plated-through holes
  • Applicable between two cutouts
ME5 Copper/outline routing distance mm 0,75
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration ME5

    Distance between the copper and the printed circuit outline for an internal/external layer

  • Applicable for an external routing or an opening without plated edges
  • Applicable for a conductor, a complete or partial plane, a via pad or a copper marking
ME6 Copper/scoring distance mm 0,75
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration ME6

    Distance between the copper and V-scoring

  • Applicable for board thicknesses between 0,8 mm and 1,8 mm
  • Applicable for an external routing
  • Applicable for a conductor, a complete or partial plane, a via pad or a copper marking
ME7 Copper/ non-platedthrough hole distance mm 0,5
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration ME7

    Distance between the copper and a non-plated-through hole

  • Applicable for a conductor, a complete or partial plane, a via pad or a copper marking
ME8 Maximum thickness mm 3,2
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration ME8

    Maximum stack-up thickness on copper plus finish

  • Value that is mainly compatible with industrial tools
  • Value that does not take account of the thickness of the solder mask and marking
me9 Routing tolerance +/- mm 0,2
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration me9

    General routing tolerance

  • Applicable for an external or internal routing
me10 Centre-to-centre spacing tolerance for non-platedthrough holes +/- mm 0,2
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration me10

    Tolerance of the centre-to-centre spacing between non-plated-through holes

  • Applicable between two non-plated-through holes only
me11 Centre-to-centre spacing tolerance for platedthrough holes +/- mm 0,2
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration me11

    Tolerance of the centre-to-centre spacing between plated-through holes/vias

  • Applicable between two plated-through holes
  • Applicable between a plated-through hole and a non-plated-through hole
  • This tolerance between plated-through holes/vias is greater than the tolerance between non-plated-through holes (me10) to compensate for any shift between the layers and guarantee a connection with the pads
me12 Thickness tolerance % +/- 10+/- 10+/- 10+/- 10+/- 10+/- 10+/- 10+/- 10+/- 10+/- 10
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration me12

    Stack-up thickness tolerance

  • In case of a single-sided or double-sided board, laminate tolerances apply
me13 Diameter tolerance for non-plated-through holes +/- mm 0,10
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration me13

    Diameter tolerances for mechanically drilled holes (non-plated-through)

  • Applicable for holes with a diameter ≤ 4 mm (for diameter values above 4 mm, holes can be milled, see me9)
  • Standard drill diameters are incremented in steps of 0,05 mm
  • The limit value in brackets is generally suitable for press-fit connectors
me14 Diameter tolerance for plated-through holes +/- mm 0,10
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration me14

    Diameter tolerance for finished mechanical holes (plated-through)

  • Applicable for holes with a diameter ≤ 4 mm (for diameter values above 4 mm, holes can be milled, see me9)
  • Minimum values are not compatible with HASL and electrolytic reflowed finishes
  • Standard drill diameters are incremented in steps of 0,05 mm
Conductor parameters

Conductor parameters

Higher routing classes correspond to increasingly narrow conductor widths/spacings, which allows for greater routing density. The thickness of the copper (plated or non-plated) is the main factor that affects the achievable routing class. It is important to ensure that the copper is evenly distributed (balanced) across the same layer, especially in case of a high routing class.

In case of a plated layer, only the finished thickness indicated in the tables below should be specified in the definition file (data package). By default, the choice of base copper and plating processes is the responsibility of the PCB manufacturer in order to achieve the selected routing class and meet the quality and performance requirements.

Plated-through mechanical vias and microvias will induce one or more copper platings on the conductive layer(s) concerned, with an impact on the achievable routing class.

For the same board, different Routing Classes can be associated with each conductive layer. In this case, the highest RC defines the board's RC and therefore its price.

Parameter Unit RC1 RC2 RC3 RC4 RC5 RC6 RC7 RC8 RC9 RC10
CO1 Min. width µm 700500300200150120100756050
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration CO1

    Minimum copper conductor width

  • Applicable for any copper element, whether a track, pad, land or mark.
CO2 Min. spacing µm 700500300200150120100756050
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration CO2

    Minimum spacing between a conductor and a track or a via pad

  • Applicable between two tracks
  • Applicable between a track and a via pad
  • Applicable between two via pads
CO3 Min. conductor/plane spacing µm 7005003002001501501201007560
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration CO3

    Minimum spacing between a track or a plane and a copper plane

  • Applicable between a track and a plane
  • Applicable between two planes
CO4 Min. plane/via pad spacing layer with plating µm 700500300200175
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration CO4

    Minimum spacing between a via pad and a plane on plated layer

  • Applicable on an internal or external layer with copper plating
CO5 NSMD pad/conductor spacing µm 700500300200150150150120120100
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration CO5France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration CO5

    Copper and NSMD (Non Solder Mask Defined) pad spacing

  • Applicable between an NSMD pad and a copper conductor (track, plane or via pad)
  • The distance between two NSMD pads must be defined by the component footprints and assembly constraints
CO6 SMD pad/conductor spacing µm 700500300200150120100756050
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration CO6

    Copper and SMD (Solder Mask Defined) pad spacing

  • Applicable between a conductor track and a soldered pad
  • Applicable between a via pad and a soldered pad
  • Applicable between two SMD pads for the same component
  • For the distance between an SMD pad and a plane, refer to the CO3 value
CO7 Max. copper thickness (base) of a layer without via/microvia plating µm 17,5
(35, 70, 105, 140, 175, 210)
(35, 70, 105, 140)
(35, 70, 105)
(35, 70)
(35, 70)
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration CO7

    Maximum base copper thickness on a non-plated layer

  • Applicable to internal layer laminates without a mechanical via or microvia extending to the layer
  • Applicable to an external layer of a single-sided or double-sided board without platedthrough holes
CO8 Finished copper thickness on a plated layer with plated-through vias/holes µm 45
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration CO8

    Nominal finished copper thickness, expected on a plated layer with a plated-through mechanical via/hole

  • Applicable with or without a microvia on the same layer
  • Applicable on an external layer with plated-through holes without a copper cap plating
  • Applicable on an internal layer at the beginning or end of the sequence of a mechanical via without a copper cap plating
CO9 Finished copper on a layer with platedthrough vias/holes filled with resin and capped µm 65
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration CO9

    Nominal finished copper thickness (expected after plating) on an external/internal layer with mechanical holes/vias filled with resin and capped with copper

  • Applicable with or without a microvia on the same layer
  • Applicable on an external layer with a plated-through hole filled with resin and capped with copper
  • Applicable on an internal layer with a resin-filled, copper-capped blind via. For the internal layer of the resin-filled blind via that does not have a copper cap, refer to CO8
  • Applicable on an internal layer at the beginning or end of the sequence of a mechanical buried via filled with resin and capped with copper
  • Some multi-sequential structures may feature blind vias with several successive copper platings. These structures are not covered in this document
CO10 Finished copper on a plated layer with a microvia µm 45
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration CO10

    Nominal finished copper thickness expected on a plated layer with a microvia

  • Applicable on a layer without plated-through vias/holes. In case of plated-through vias/holes on the same layer, refer to CO8 and CO9
  • Applicable for microvias with or without filling
co11 Reduced conductor width tolerances µm ±210
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration co11

    Reduced tolerances on specific conductors

  • To be specified only in case of specific dimensional constraints. In the absence of any specific tolerances, the expected quality and performance requirements for the end product apply
co12 Tolerance for finished copper thickness on a plated layer µm -25/+35-25/+35-15/+30-15/+30-10/+25-10/+25-10/+20-10/+15-5/+15-5/+15
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration co12

    Tolerance for the finished copper thickness expected after plating

  • Applicable only to CO8, CO9 and CO10
  • To be specified only in case of specific dimensional constraints.
  • In the absence of any specific tolerances, the expected quality and performance requirements for the end product apply
Mechanical via parameters : VM1 = minimum drilled hole diameter

Minimum drilling diameter depending on the thickness to be drilled

The thickness comprises the dielectric thickness plus the thickness of the copper to be drilled. This may be the thickness of the finished board, a sequence or a layer. The maximum thickness not to be exceeded for each routing class is specified in Chapter 4 (mechanical parameters).

Thickness Unit RC1 RC2 RC3 RC4 RC5 RC6 RC7 RC8 RC9 RC10
0,2 ≤ e < 0,4 µm 300300300250250200200200150150
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration VM1_1

    Drilled hole diameter

0,4 ≤ e < 0,6 µm 300300300250250250200200200150
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration VM1_2

    Drilled hole diameter

0,6 ≤ e < 0,8 µm 300300300300250250200200200200
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration VM1_3

    Drilled hole diameter

0,8 ≤ e < 1,0 µm 300300300300250250250200200200
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration VM1_4

    Drilled hole diameter

1,0 ≤ e < 1,2 µm 350350350300300250250250200200
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration VM1_5

    Drilled hole diameter

1,2 ≤ e < 1,4 µm 350350350300300250250250250200
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration VM1_6

    Drilled hole diameter

1,4 ≤ e < 1,6 µm 350350350300300250250250250200
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration VM1_7

    Drilled hole diameter

1,6 ≤ e < 1,8 µm 350350350300300250250250250250
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration VM1_8

    Drilled hole diameter

1,8 ≤ e < 2,0 µm 350350350300300300250250250250
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration VM1_9

    Drilled hole diameter

2,0 ≤ e < 2,2 µm 400400400350350300300250250250
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration VM1_10

    Drilled hole diameter

2,2 ≤ e < 2,4 µm 400400400400350350300300250250
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration VM1_11

    Drilled hole diameter

2,4 ≤ e < 2,6 µm 450450450400400350350300300300
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration VM1_12

    Drilled hole diameter

2,6 ≤ e < 2,8 µm 500500500450400400350350300300
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration VM1_13

    Drilled hole diameter

2,8 ≤ e < 3,0 µm 500500500500450400400350350300
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration VM1_14

    Drilled hole diameter

3,0 ≤ e < 3,2 µm 550550550500500450400400350300
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration VM1_15

    Drilled hole diameter

3,2 ≤ e < 3,4 µm 600600600550500450450
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration VM1_16

    Drilled hole diameter

3,4 ≤ e < 4,5 µm 850850850750700650600
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration VM1_17

    Drilled hole diameter

Mechanical via parameters : VM2 = minimum via pad diameter

Minimum via pad diameters depending on the drilled hole

The table does not take account of constraints associated with flexible layers, which by default require an increase in via pad size.

VM1 : drilled hole diameter Unit RC1 RC2 RC3 RC4 RC5 RC6 RC7 RC8 RC9 RC10
150 µm 400
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration VM2_150

    Pad diameter

  • Applicable for a plated or non-plated layer
  • The required annular ring (after manufacture) is the responsibility of the PCB manufacturer according to the specified requirements
200 µm 550
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration VM2_200

    Pad diameter

  • Applicable for a plated or non-plated layer
  • The required annular ring (after manufacture) is the responsibility of the PCB manufacturer according to the specified requirements
250 µm 700
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration VM2_250

    Pad diameter

  • Applicable for a plated or non-plated layer
  • The required annular ring (after manufacture) is the responsibility of the PCB manufacturer according to the specified requirements
300 µm 800
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration VM2_300

    Pad diameter

  • Applicable for a plated or non-plated layer
  • The required annular ring (after manufacture) is the responsibility of the PCB manufacturer according to the specified requirements

* Value at 640 μm for routing BGAs with a 1 mm pitch with conductors/spacings at 120 μm/120 μm.

350 µm 850
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration VM2_350

    Pad diameter

  • Applicable for a plated or non-plated layer
  • The required annular ring (after manufacture) is the responsibility of the PCB manufacturer according to the specified requirements
VM1 ≥ 400 µm VM1 +500
VM1 +500
VM1 +500
VM1 +450
VM1 +400
VM1 +350
VM1 +300
VM1 +250
VM1 +250
VM1 +250
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration VM2_400

    Pad diameter

  • Applicable for a plated or non-plated layer
  • The required annular ring (after manufacture) is the responsibility of the PCB manufacturer according to the specified requirements
Parameters for plated-through holes for component insertion (by soldering)

Minimum pad diameters for plated-through holes for component insertion (by soldering)

The presence of a second parameter in brackets indicates a limit value that should not be exceeded.

The pad diameter for plated-through holes for component insertion is defined in relation to the TM3 diameter of the finished hole (plated-through). The TM3 diameter is defined by the selected component.

Parameter Unit RC1 RC2 RC3 RC4 RC5 RC6 RC7 RC8 RC9 RC10
TM1 External layer pad diameter µm TM3 + 800
TM3 + 800
TM3 + 800
TM3 +600
TM3 +600
TM3 +600
TM3 +600
TM3 +600
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration TM1

    External layer pad diameter of a plated-through hole for component insertion

  • Applicable to soldered components
TM2 Internal layer pad diameter µm TM3 +550
TM3 +550
TM3 +550
TM3 +500
TM3 +450
TM3 +400
TM3 +350
TM3 +300
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration TM2

    Internal layer pad diameter of a plated-through hole for component insertion

  • Applicable to soldered components
TM3 Finished hole diameter of a component insertion hole - ----------
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration TM3

    Finished hole diameter of a component insertion hole

  • The diameter of the finished hole is determined by the part number of the selected component
Drilling parameters for laser-drilled microvias

Drilling parameters for laser-drilled microvias

Using a microvia requires the use of a routing class ≥ RC6 in line with the complexity in creating the microvias. However, lower routing classes can be used for other parameters, such as conductor parameters.

Parameter Unit RC1 RC2 RC3 RC4 RC5 RC6 RC7 RC8 RC9 RC10
UV1 Pad diameter µm NANANANANA350300275
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration UV1

    Pad diameter

  • Applicable for capture and target pads

* The 250 μm pad can be used for a microvia-in-pad for BGAs with a pitch ≤ 0.5 mm.

UV2 /UV3 Drilling diameter / Drilling diameter µm NANANANANA150/90
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration UV2

    Minimum drilling diameter

  • Applicable to the microvia capture pad
  • The drilling diameter is coupled with the dielectric thickness (UV3)
uv4 Dielectric thickness tolerance % NANANANANA±30%
( ±20%)
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration uv4

    Dielectric thickness tolerance for the microvia layer on a finished board

  • To be specified only in case of specific dielectric thickness constraints
UV5 Minimum distance between two connected microvia pads µm NANANANANA≥ 0≥ 0≥ 0≥ 0≥ 0
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration UV5

    Minimum distance between two microvia pads connected to the same potential

  • A value of less than 0 corresponds to a microvia stacked on a copper-filled microvia
  • In the case of different potentials, the conductor spacing parameters apply
UV6 Minimum distance between connected microvia/via pads µm NANANANANA≥ 0≥ 0≥ 0≥ 0≥ 0
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration UV6

    Minimum distance between the microvia pad and any type of mechanical via pad

  • A value of less than 0 corresponds to a microvia stacked on a plated-through microvia filled with resin and capped with copper
  • In the case of different potentials, the following conductor spacing parameters apply
Solder mask parameters

Solder mask parameters

The parameters shown in the tables represent the preferred values. The presence of a second parameter in brackets indicates a limit value that should not be exceeded.

Parameter Unit RC1 RC2 RC3 RC4 RC5 RC6 RC7 RC8 RC9 RC10
SM1 Distance between the solder mask/soldered pad µm 75
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration SM1

    Distance between the solder mask and soldered pad

  • Value derived from the solder mask registration and opening tolerances
  • Applicable value for the copper coverage on SMD (Solder Mask Defined) pads
SM2 Minimum solder mask line width µm 150150150150150120120
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration SM2

    Minimum solder mask dam

  • Applicable to copper and insulation materials
SM3 Minimum solder mask opening µm 200200200200200200150120120120
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration SM3France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration SM3France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration SM3

    Minimum solder mask opening

  • Applicable to copper and insulation materials
  • Applicable for SMD (Solder Mask Defined) pads
sm4 Solder mask opening tolerance µm +/-75+/-75+/-75+/-75+/-50+/-50+/-25+/-25+/-20+/-20
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration sm4France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration sm4France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration sm4

    Solder mask opening tolerance

  • Applicable for a solder mask opening on copper and insulation materials
  • Applicable for SMD (Solder Mask Defined) pads
SM5 Distance between the solder mask/edge or non-platedthrough hole mm 0,50,50,50,50,5
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration SM5

    Distance between the solder mask and routing or a non-plated-through hole edge

  • Applicable for an external or internal routing
Ink marking parameters

Ink marking parameters

The values in this chapter only apply to a marking on the solder mask; the ink applied to the base material brings additional constraints that are not taken into account in this document.

Parameter Unit RC1 RC2 RC3 RC4 RC5 RC6 RC7 RC8 RC9 RC10
MA1 Minimum character line width mm 0,2
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration MA1

    Minimum line width of the characters or other pattern

MA2 Minimum character height mm 2,0
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration MA2

    Character height

MA3 Minimum distance between the marking/exposed copper mm 0,30,30,30,30,30,30,20,20,10,1
France CAO - Afnor Spec 2212 - illustration MA3

    Minimum distance between the edge of the marking and the exposed copper edge

  • Applicable for any copper conductors: soldered pad, test pad, mechanical support, etc.

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